Monday, May 18, 2020

Importance of Sleep Essay - 897 Words

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, nine hours of sleep was the norm, but no more. Technology and long work hours often prevent sleeping nine to ten hours each night; however, eight hours would vastly improve psychological and physical health and well-being. Chronic sleep deprivation is less than five hours nightly. Getting the proper rest is important to stay alert during the day; Studies prove that eight or more hours of restful slumber every night enhances mood, brain function, and increases joy. In addition, the time that one gets to bed is just as important as the several hours that one actually sleep hours. Some experts even believe that the best time to asleep is between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.. This is when repair, renewal,†¦show more content†¦four nights a week might prove beneficial. Of course, the bedroom should be make amiable for sleep and work papers and such ought to be left at the office or ,at least, removed from the bedroom. The bedroom is for sleeping and should be made sleep friendly with flowers, pictures, or candles placed strategically about on dressers and tables. A warm bath, cozy pajamas, a cup of herbal tea the muscles can relax allowing for a restful night. Creating a night-time ritual that promotes inner calm and sets the mood for resting is a nice place to start. It is also a good idea to get in bed as early as possible making eight hours of sleep the nightly goal. If there are no underlying health problems, the stated hours will balance the mood, hormones, metabolism, heart function, blood sugar, and mind. Foregoing sleep can also causes irritability and makes one short-tempered the next day. I recall one weeknight, when I stayed to long with friends; I didnt get to bed until very late, after 2:00 a.m. First, when I did try getting to sleep it was necessary that I unwind from talking and laughing, next I had to get ready for bed. I needed to get in the mood for sleeping, which took awhile. That only made me anxious, so I did the only thing I knew; I tried to force sleep, but of course that never works. So there I was wide awake and getting angry. The window for my sleep hormones to kick in was longShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Sleep782 Words   |  4 PagesN#1086;rm#1072;ll#1091; #1072;ft#1077;r #1072; day #1086;f work, w#1077; #1109;h#1086;uld sleep easily #1072;nd achieve #1072; deep rest thr#1086;ugh#1086;ut th#1077; night. However, m#1072;n#1091; people d#1086; n#1086;t experience this, #1110;n#1109;t#1077;#1072;d th#1077;#1091; h#1072;v#1077; difficulty falling asleep, th#1077;#1091; d#1086; n#1086;t g#1077;t #1077;n#1086;ugh sleep #1086;r th#1077;#1091; wake u#1088; #1109;#1077;v#1077;r#1072;l times #1072;t dawnRead MoreImportance of Sleep Essay788 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of Sleep It has been proposed, by some, that humans do not really need to sleep, and that we do so only out of habit. However, much research would suggest otherwise. 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